"Steps to Raise the Perfect Asian Clone", Darienne Sim

Cut her down at every opportunity because
it’s not criticism, it’s love, and it’s not fatshaming
if she’s just fat and you’re warning her off the
extra few cookies that will stop a boy from loving her body.
Push her harder than she knows how to take because
a child learns mother tongues best
when her vision’s blurred by tears.
Pain is just weakness
leaving the body and abuse is just another name for love.
Curtail her every move in and out of the house because
it’s her fault, she only has herself to blame for walking
alone under the streetlights. Now
she’s chewed up gum and no
respectable doctor would ever want her now.
Drive her from your arms because
you just don’t understand
how a child could be so ungrateful. Isn’t
buying her damn clothes good
enough to count as love? You’ve never seen
your grandchild, but you’ve seen on Facebook
that she’s okay.
And maybe you’ll wonder if you’ve done something w —
Can’t be it. You’ve been the perfect parent.

/ Darienne Sim is currently a student at Nanyang Technological University, poring over mountains of Western canon to earn her degree in English, a language she already spoke. Having graduated from scribbling short stanzas in the edges of her A4 lined paper in class, she has been published in Squircle Line Press’ anima methodi and 700 line sonnet anthologies, as well as Poetry Festival Singapore’s CONTOUR anthology.

2019.2Daryl Qilin YamPoetry