"times like these", Nicole Ann Law

I swallow piping hot Putu piring, like always
washed down with dapao teh c
lovingly brewed in Uncle's 40 year vintage stockings
stolen from Aunty while she was not looking. 

It's raining again
dead leaves kayaking through the longkang outside my flat
downstream to – 

The TV is on again
the voice getting louder 
my mother is silent
eyes wide. 
"Deadly virus detected in...., Cases reported..."
Glued to the talking box
morbid fascination with accelerating body counts
shuttered doors and concealed faces. 

We no longer eat duck 
or chicken 
or bat
better safe than sorry. 
We clear shelves
cash in on the new toilet paper currency
queue around the block and back for Maslow's rulebook. 
We close our doors
huddle round devices
crawl into the five-inch walls that demarcated 
You, Me and Them.
We slow down
the domestic tableau an ideal still life for 
forays into anything taught on Skillshare. 
We look at each other
reading faces through screens
build connection by the hour
Zooming from friends to lovers.

In times like these
maybe it was a grand design
to carve out a normal not so new
where the heart comes to mind. 

/ Nicole Ann Law writes poetry on her bus rides home and finds the best words emerge from the unlikeliest of places. She also loves swing dance, burnt cheesecake and Dean Martin.

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