"Tunnel #7", Lawdenmarc Decamora

i wonder what the boy was thinking | yeah
the geomancer explained | there was math
in the culture of cotton candy calculus
& in the garden | a late consumption
was so obvious | to swallow the boy’s desires
his pirouetting imagination | his face losing
a smile | once disrupted by facts & figures
disappointed he touched fire | or the logic of it
or the second skin it shed for romance | the subject
no book could ever tell | cite | write | but story
endings belonged to the boy’s crying | those signs
freeing tiny feet from charts & footnotes | they hang
around him like fireflies | like instructions
for dancing | winked the lights to the geomancer
eyes of risk that mouth shadows | to be random
still | to be like earth that split & form | perhaps
it’s only me | & not the boy | who saw magic
in math | when met by the very truth | by the process
the geomancer uncovered | from the book of love

/ Lawdenmarc Decamora is a widely published poet, as well as a critic and professor in the Philippines. His writings have received nominations for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize in the United States. His work is forthcoming in North Dakota Quarterly, Pedestal Magazine, Comstock Review, Cha, AJAR Press, Humanities Diliman (Scopus-indexed), and in anthologies What We Talk About When We Talk About It: Variations on the Theme of Love (Darkhouse Books) and Mingled Voices 4 (Proverse Poetry Prize).

2019.2Daryl Qilin YamPoetry