"when i said i was a time traveller, i meant / i have seen my future with you", Qamar Firdaus Saini

when i said i was a time traveller, i meant
i have seen my future with you

consider the moon’s rotation
around earth, or its phases.
how it returns to the beginning.
this is not a poem about night

but of us watching the sky again.
a university's rooftop, a bridge
between a mall and the mrt,
a park bench in tasmania

on a hill overlooking the sea.
we dream in tidal waves.
our phones commune in close
proximity. your fingers appear

in every poem that was
and is to come: the setting sun,
a mother's funeral, how we went
to ikea for coffee and meatballs

and return with flatpack furniture.
what can i say about building
a home that is not covered in
instruction manuals everywhere?

handle with care, assembly
required. 'we' is a construct
hurtling towards our future.
in this low-light rendering of us, 

we deconstruct the night
into constituents: mat, blanket,
slow meadow, constellations. 
quiet. we only have forever.

/ Qamar Firdaus Saini is in the public service, and is especially fond of Explosions in the Sky. He writes to remember things. His poems can be found in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Moving Words (Ethos Books), ASINGBOL (Squircle Line Press), This is Not A Safety Barrier (Ethos Books), and various editions of SingPoWriMo (Math Paper Press), among others. His works have also been commissioned by National Gallery Singapore and the Singapore Art Museum.

2019.1Daryl Qilin YamPoetry