"Yes Auntie I’m Still Employed ", Elizabeth L Fong

And no, Auntie, I cannot help your friend’s 
sister’s husband’s army encik’s cousin-in-law
get a divorce. Yes, lawyers are expensive. 
No, I’m not charging you for my time this very 

second. No, I’m not pregnant not married 
and you wouldn’t know about my love life 
until my parents make me invite you 
to the 16 course Chinese wedding banquet

despite my fervent desire to elope to
a desert island somewhere. Yes, I know 
I’m very pretty when all you have to compare me to 
are your evil Persian cats. I’m a dog person 

and yes, Auntie, it is true that I’m a little 
bit of a bitch. But I’m still here not charging 
you for my time this very second as you ask 
what’s wrong with me if I’m not married yet. 

Yes, Auntie, I’m still employed. And no, Auntie, 
I’m not telling you why I’m not married yet
because I will end up telling you that it’s okay, 
I have my job and my dog, and my relatives. 
For better or for worse. So many relatives. 

/ Elizabeth L Fong is a lawyer, poet, and member of the poetry collective, Zer0sleep. Her work has been published in various SingPoWriMo anthologies over the years.

READ: "Unsaid", Gabriel Sim

← READ: "Lorry", Al Hafiz Sanusi

2021.2Daryl Qilin YamPoetry